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Yoruk Ali Efe House And Museum

  /  Yoruk Ali Efe House And Museum

Yoruk Ali Efe Museum was organized in memory of Yoruk Ali Efe who is one of the important names of the National Struggle period which was opened in Yenipazar district of Aydin in 2001. The tomb and statue of Yoruk Ali Efe is located in the garden of the museum.

The museum house of the National Struggle Hero Yoruk Ali Efe is one of the important addresses of Yenipazar. Yenipazar specific characteristics serving in one of the museum houses the national struggle in the years leading to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey was founded in the name of showing great heroismYoruk Ali Efe.

Yoruk Ali Efe’s house in Yenipazar district center was made ready for exhibition as a result of original restoration and garden arrangement works where he lived until his death from Izmir.

The personal belongings used by Yoruk Ali Efe, the works transferred from the ethnography section of the Aydin Museum, as well as the materials collected from the market and donated by the citizens by the Aydin Museum Valuation Commission are displayed.

Yoruk Ali Efe’s grave at Muslukuyu Cemetery has been moved to the museum garden by the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Yoruk Ali House Museum was opened to visitors by the Minister of Culture of the period on 8 June 2001 as a unit of the Aydin Museum Directorate.


Address: Aydin Yenipazar Çarşı Mahallesi, Aydin, Turkey

Tel: 0256 361 45 41

E-mail: yorukaliefemuzesi@kultur.gov.tr

Transportation: Bus number 602. Yenipazar minibuses.


Opening Time: 08: 30

Closing Time: 17:00 Summer Time: 18:30

Fee: Free

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